Sunday, February 15, 2009


I was scootin' around on Facebook (or Procrastination-book as I like to call it) and was looking at Holly's page when I saw this:
OMG! Yes, 167 days until the wedding..hooray! :) Or.... OMG...167 days until wedding pictures in a summer dress!! Do you know how much harder it is to get back in shape when you are 47 than it was when you were, say 37? I just don't get it. I don't feel that much different. Why do I have to work so much harder and why does it take so much less time for things to.....shall we say....relax?? Just doesn't seem fair...the older we get and more tired we get, the harder we have to work. I never saw the Benjaming Button movie but there might be something to starting old and growing younger....

Oops...took a little sidetrack there (seem to be doing that more lately, too :) ...since Shannon is a bridesmaid and I am the mother of the groom, we decided to hit the gym. So, we gathered up our, towels (we plan to sweat!), power drink and of, course, i-pods! Music and treadmils just go together!
We drove to the's about 15 minutes from here....I was wondering if it was still there and if it was even open. Yep, still :) We did 20 minutes on the treadmill and some light weights. Our theory is to start light since we PLAN to be VERY dedicated. Hey, day one is done! We are on our way!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New's not what you think....

Shannon "blessed" me with a new addition to the family yesterday and she thought he was "blog worthy". I agreed! His name is Albert. She lovingly created him on February 13, 2009.

If you squeeze his foot, he "ribbits".

For those of you who have never visited my classroom, I love frogs! I also love the Cougars! Nicely done, sis!

I can't wait to share him with my class. Thanks, Shannon! I love him!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Friends...Super Bowl

Shannon and I went over to Wendy's....again. :) A few friends gathered to watch the Super Bowl. Everyone was cheering for the Arizona Cardinals but...well, we know how that turned out. It was an exciting ending to a great game, tho. Either way, a history would be made!

We were thinking of our friend, Jackie, who is Kurt Warner's number one fan. We were wondering if she was able to get excited and yell since she is in Arizona with her daughter's family. They just brought home a brand new baby today! I'm thinking it may have been a little quieter than our group! :)

Of course, whenever we get together, there is always great food! Lisa's deviled eggs and Sheila's 7 Layer Dip were yummy! I think we all agreed that Mark (Sheila's husband) won the prize for the best food....home made egg rolls! Wow!

I'm not quite sure if I really got the full effect of the "3-D" glasses for the half time show, but we tried it out anyway. Bruce Springstein...the Boss....great as always! I hope everyone had some fun today!

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