Sunday, April 25, 2010

Easter 2010

I'm slowly getting caught up on some blogging (you probably noticed). We went to Easter dinner at my parents' house this year. Scott and Holly were here so I joined them for church the night before...that was so nice! Loved the service and dinner after.

The kids always have a busy morning on Easter. They have a traditional Longhorn breakfast with their dad's family, come here to see if the Easter Bunny left anything special and then we all head to my parents for more family time and food.

This year the Easter Bunny must have decided the kids had different needs than baskets. There treats were left in a kitchen bowl with matching cups. Shannon's even came that way. He must have heard that she is moving out in a few short weeks! (She found hers when she first got pictures allowed.) Sorry about the blurriness of one of the pictures.

Although we never forget the meaning of Easter, we sure seem to eat a lot on this day. I guess it's what we tend to do when family gets together. I wonder why that it. Anyway, more of the food fest....

An Easter tradition...

Our meat slicer...:)

So pretty...

and, of course...dessert....
And of course, after our tummies are full my children ALWAYS take a nap. Right, Holly? :)

It was a beautiful day!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

March 26th is an Important Day!

Look Scott, I got the date right! What does it mean when a mom had her son's birthdate wrong on his school records until about 7th grade? Sad, but true! My due date was March 25th and he arrived on the 26th. For some reason, I filled his paperwork out wrong at school. When he got to middle school, he finally asked if I could PLEASE fix that. He was tired of the school trying to celebrate his birthday on the wrong day! Definitely not too much to ask, wouldn't you say!

I invited the family over to celebrate his 24th birthday. (I don't suppose I could convince anyone that I had him when I was 12, could I?) Hard to believe I have a child who is almost a quarter of a century old! Sheesh!

We had a great time. I love spending time with my parents and my kids and it's even more fun when everyone is together all at once. (I was having some camera operator malfunctions so I don't have many pics. Thank goodness I always have Dad for a backup.)

Don't they look so serious here....I'm not sure what the conversation was.
Apparently, the story had a happy ending!
A guy is never too old for a Best Buy gift card!
It's kind of fun to switch up the birthday cake for a birthday pie once in a while!

Wonder what he wished for....maybe that his mom would stop making him blow out candles?

Look who was worn out from all the festivities.....(actually, she's the only one who worked that day!)

I'm so lucky to be able to have these special moments with my family!
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