Sunday, November 30, 2008

Armani and Friends....

Scott has been determined to make friends with our bird, Armani (named by Shannon). As you can see in the pictures, persistence does pay off! Armani still prefers the comfort of his cage but tolerates our need to play....Holly even joined in. Shortly after these pics, he flew right back to his cage....pretty smart, I'd say.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Who is Holly?

It occurs to me that I keep mentioning Holly and some of you may not know who she is. She is Scott's fiance'! Yep, that's right....fiance'! They are getting married Aug. 1st. They have been dating for 3 and half years. Scott will be graduating in two weeks from WSU with two degrees....Accounting and Finance. He has a job lined up in Spokane. Holly will be graduating next December and will be an elementary teacher. She is from Kirkland, Wa and Scott is, of course, from Medical Lake. They met while visiting friends in Pullman and a few short months later they were both living in Pullman and the rest is history (as they say). We are very excited for the wedding and Shannon will be a bridesmaid. She is excited to be asked! Life is changing......:)

Deck the Halls!

Today was spent unpacking boxes and boxes of decorations. I always love to see what they hold. There is always something I have forgotten about. Scott and Shannon have always picked out a new ornament each every Christmas since they were two. I love looking at each one and remembering all of their favorite things throughout the years. We have football, baseball, Mickey Mouse, volleyball, a barbeque grill,Snoopy and the gang, and graduation ornaments( just to name a few). My tree is full of memories. This year seems especially sentimental since it is our last Christmas with Scott and a single man. (We are very excited to have Holly join our memories are waiting to be made!)

A few years ago, my parents gave me the first Hallmark musical snowman. I loved it so much that I now collect them. My parents have given me three. I always chuckle when I pull them out for the holidays.

A very special thing happened this year. My parents passed my Grandmother's Nativity scene on to me. I can remember seeing it at their home in Detroit when I was little and then at my parents' house. It feels so nice to have it here with me. I always think about her at Christmas. We always went to lunch and did a little shopping...just the two of us. Such fond memories.

I love this time of year. It just seemed perfect that it snowed today. Scott is going to put outside lights up this weekend. I think that is Shannon's favorite part!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Day!

Today was a very relaxing day. I started the day by meeting Jackie for the Turkey Trot at Manito Park. It was my first time but Jackie has done it several times. It was fun to see the creative costumes and I was amazed that there were about 3000 runners and walkers there! We had a nice 3 mile walk and great conversation. Then we treated ourselves to a latte' and more good conversation. I hope we make this an annual tradition.

When I got home, Scott and Shannon were working on taming Armani (our parakeet). He is getting used to being held and talked to, or maybe he has just given in! We gathered up the pies and headed to my parents for dinner. As usual, we ate until we couldn't eat anymore. Dad's deep fried turkey was very tasty....we always fight for the crispy skin. Mom had worked hard in the kitchen making mashed potatoes (Shannon even peeled them for Gma), green bean casserole, rolls, stuffing, gravy, etc!

While the kids were finishing up dishes, Dad and I loaded the truck up with all my Christmas decorations. I think they must multiply over the year. It was a full pickup load this time! We all settled in for a little TV time and naps and pie! It was a wonderfully relaxing day! We are resting up for Christmas decorating tomorrow!

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