Friday, November 13, 2009

And So It Begins...

Friday the 13th...(November 13th). Today is the first official day of measurable snowfall! We have had some flurries here and there, but the white stuff is actually sticking today. I don't think anyone can look outside today and not think about the last two years of incredible snow storms. I think we had around 90 inches last year. No one wants another year like that!
For today, tho....there is something a little calming, a little peaceful about the first snowfall. I needed to go to the store and rather than brush off the car and warm it up, I dug out my winter boots and walked. I have to admit, I rather enjoyed it. The crispness of the air was refreshing and brought a hint of the upcoming holidays with it.
I am wondering how long this feeling of peaceful enjoyment will guess is probably until we have to drive in it a few times! :) Funny how I like the snow so much more on the weekends!

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