Thursday, August 6, 2009

....and the Reception!

The reception immediately followed the wedding. The weather cooperated perfectly! Just as we were all finding a seat, the sun started to set and things cooled off nicely. Holly's parents put together a very beautiful reception. I know it was a lot of work to plan an outside reception and it came together wonderfully. Thank you so much, Tom and Denise!

Introducing for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Spilker.

What are those bridesmaids looking at?

Mom and Dad enjoying the reception.

The cake was beautiful! I love Gerber Daisies and their color was perfect. The Best Man, Maid of Honor, and Matron of Honor all gave wonderful toasts. Holly is very close to her sisters so their toast were very emotional. They are all going to miss each other since Holly will be living in Spokane. It's a short 4 hours away and we will take good care of her! They cut the cake while "How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You" by James Taylor was playing.

After the cake cutting, the happy couple had their first dance to "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts. This has been their song for as long as I can remember.

Of course, a reception isn't complete without a "Daddy-Daughter" dance and a "Mother-Son" dance. Holly and her dad danced to "Always Be Your Baby" by Natalie Grant. If you know Holly and Tom, you know that this song was perfect for them.

Scott chose the song, "20 Years Late" by Aaron Lines for our dance. In case you aren't familiar with this song, here are the first two will get the idea from that. Yes, I was on the verge of tears!

Hey mom I know that it's late, hope I didn't wake you
Yeah, everything is O.K., just needed to talk to you
Today I had one of those days
But I didn't call to complain
Just to say everything that I didn't for all of those years

You were a taxicab driver, a nurse and a maid
A waitress, a cook and a shoulder to lay
My head on to cry on, when nothing was going my way
You knew every answer without cracking a book
And I took for granted that I had it so good
And I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say
Thank you I love you Twenty years late

Scott and Holly had a lot of fun with tossing the bouquet and the garter. Holly chose the song "Single Ladies" by Beyonce for the bouquet and Scott chose "You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC for the Garter.

After this, there was a lot of dancing and visiting. Everyone had a great time. The kids ran through two rows of guests holding sparklers and headed to a very decorated car! Thanks to the groomsmen and ushers! Tom actually ended up driving that home alone from the airport the next day. That had to be quite a sight! They headed off to their honeymoon in Mexico. The last text I got from him was, "We made it to the hotel in Mexico, turning my phone off until Saturday!"
Congratulations Scott and Holly!

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