Saturday, October 24, 2009

Greenbluff 2009

Holly's parents came over for the weekend. It was a nice treat, especially for Holly. She has been feeling a little homesick lately. Scott and Holly decided to show them Greenbluff and several of the pumpkin patches up there. They invited me to go, too.
It was a beautiful, sunny day....but the wind was very chilly! I was thinking it's too bad pumpkin season couldn't be in July! We warmed up with some yummy pumpkin donuts, tho. They were hot out of the oil and so delicious! If you have never had them, you are missing out! We also couldn't pass up some bbq beef and ribs for lunch. It's the first thing you smell when you get out of the car. The Diffees and Holly also enjoyed some hot spiced apple cider.

In addition to all the great treats, there were some fun craft shops that had to be explored. We were disappointed that some of them were closed. We didn't know they only open for the first three weekends of the season.

Of course, Scott and Holly got their pumpkins for carving. This has become a yearly tradition for them. They are getting to be quite the experts at this. They had their pumpkins picked out in about 5 minutes and they got some big ones! (Okay, I had to give my input...without them asking.) They didn't seem to mind. :)

It was a great day. I'm glad they invited me and it was really nice to see Tom and Denise again. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

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