Saturday, July 3, 2010

April 18, 2010 Susan G Kohmen Run

My friends from work and I decided to do the Susan G Kohmen Run (walk). It is a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. It is the first time I have ever done the event and it was a wonderful surprise! Soooo many people turned out to support the event. In fact, my friends and I were hoping to use the run as a training day for our half marathon and we couldn't. There were too many people. At first it was a little frustrating, but when we thought about how many people were there and the reason everyone was there....our frustration quickly went away.

(I didn't take my camera on the actual run so most of these pictures are from Jackie's camera. Thanks, Jackie.)
Just waiting and talking some "pre-race" strategy! (That usually means what time to get in line for the porta-potties.) Oh yea, pink is the signature color for Breast Cancer Awareness.

We were hoping someone was missing us!
Deanna and Brenda were the runners of the group that day!
Sheila and Terri!
Deanna and me. (Sometimes I am part of the runners group but am nursing a knee injury.)
While we are waiting for the starting gun. All of the cancer survivors, have a pink balloon.

When the race starts, they all release their balloons. How impactful to see all those balloons!

Of course, our post-race tradition....

We have forced our tradition on the gang!

Our signature blog pic.

This was one of the best days I've had! I hope to make it a yearly event!

1 comment:

Jackie Kaminski Gleason said...

It was a great time. The race went by so fast for me! I asked Keri about the fuzzy picture I took that day. What could it be? She said, "Clean the lens!" I did and it worked. Sorry about the fuzz but I guess we still get the idea! Happy Day!

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