Shannon turned 20 this year. A milestone for sure! She is no longer a teenager. I am no longer a mother of teenagers! She decided it is time to move out and would be moving out with her friend, Cassie, in June. A birthday is a perfect time to get started on stocking up on some important "apartment needs".
She decided she needed light in the apartment. I am assuming it is to help her see when she is studying.
I'm not sure why she is practicing this....I'm still thinking she needs the lamp to study with. Of course, if one has lamps, one needs lightbulbs. (That's something a mom thinks of.)
Something a brother thinks of (after living on his own for several years) is....
That's right, cleaning supplies!!! Yay...Scott! (and Holly!)
....and water balloons??? (Um...thanks...Scott!)
Oh....a Target gift card! Perfect! Thanks, Scott and Holly!
Of course, a girl isn't all about the apt. She's got to have an American Eagle gift card, too!
Grandma and Grandpa always help celebrate with a great card and a little something special.
Grandma loves having her picture taken!
Thanks for cooperating, Grandpa!
What would a birthday be without cake?
Happy Birthday, Sis! (Holly was at her sister's bridal shower..we missed her!)
Ohhhhh...this takes me back to being about her age, and getting a vacuum for Christmas. It was right before I moved out in January, and I was just so excited about the vacuum!
It's July now...Hope she's out & having a blast in her new apartment!
She is out and loves it!!
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